Dating Help for Men - Is There a Way to Avoid Rejection From Women?

I get asked all of the time if there really is a way to eliminate rejection from women completely. I can imagine that most guys who want to know this have this vision in their minds of being able to conjure up some magical ability to attract women to the point where no woman can resist them. I have to laugh at that idea, because to be honest, it's kind of like expecting a baseball player to get a hit every single time he gets up to bat.
So, is there a way to eliminate rejection completely?

Not at all. I have to admit that I have seen dating guides for men out there that make that claim, but you really have to snap back into reality for a minute and see the obvious flaw in that. I mean, do you really suppose that you can conjure up some ability to approach a happily married woman and not get rejected? Or that any guy can actually approach a super hot celebrity and be able to walk away with her on their arm?

One of the reasons why I think so many guys HOPE that there is a way to eliminate rejection from women completely is just because of how much it can suck to get shot down, especially by a woman who has captured your attention. But, you know what? It happens, it's part of life and the easier you can move on from it, the better off you will be.

The thing is... you don't really need to waste time and energy trying to find a way to eliminate rejection completely, you just have to learn how to bounce back from it in a way that makes the next time you approach a woman a lot easier and a lot more likely to turn out the way that you want it to.

And to do this, you have to take a peek into the mind of an attractive woman and see what it is that she is thinking and what she has to go through. Do this and you will be able to get a much clearer picture as to why some guys get shot down and some do not.

Most really good looking women have to deal with constant approaches from men who obviously are not trying to just be friendly all of the time, even when they are just out and about doing their normal things. So, when you see it from that angle, you can kind of understand why most men get shot down. If a good looking woman was to give attention to every guy she encountered, she'd never get anything done!

Not only that, but the way that most men approach good looking women leaves a lot to be desired. And I am not just referring to the use of pick up lines or anything like that. Most men approach a woman with the context of "I'll buy you something or say something nice to you... and I expect you to repay me for that with your time and attention."

Do you think that is really a fair deal for a woman? Think of the guys who approach her with that attitude that she really just would not ever want to date at all. If she were to give her time and attention to them for just buying her something or for saying something nice, what would that do for her?

A better way to get attention from a woman and to lower the possibility of getting rejected is to just approach her with the context of starting a legit conversation, not expecting anything in return, and not being too quick to try and buy her things or to try and say something sweet to her.

In other words, be GENUINE.

It's funny how this becomes a 'revolutionary' way of approaching a woman, but when you take a look at how many guys spend all of their time and energy trying to think of non genuine ways to try and win over a woman, it starts to make sense as to why this actually works out pretty well.

It's refreshing.

If you are the one guy that she meets in a night who does not come across as being fake or phony, or who does not expect to 'buy' her time in any way, don't you think that is going to stand out in her mind?

Of course it will and that can only work in your favor.

Remember, there is NO way to eliminate rejection completely, except of course if you just never even try to ask a woman out on a date. There are, however, ways to make it so that she is almost inclined to want to date you.

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