Dating Relationships For Women - 6 Signs A Man Is Not Who He Portrays Himself To Be
As women dating and seeking relationships, we often see what a man has or does instead of seeing who he really is as a person. After weeks or months, when it gets to be too much work to keep up the act, you see his true self and it isn't pretty! If you have felt stupid or think you are a bad judge of character you are in good company as most women who are dating or in relationships have experienced this as well. I've listed 6 warning signs I've found to be worth paying attention to. There are millions of great, single, emotionally healthy men out there and you and I just have to go through the weeds until we find the flower.
6 Signs A Man Is Not Who He Portrays Himself To Be:
He tells you how he handles situations but responds completely opposite when they come up. (Did he forget his lines to the role he's playing?) He tries to impress you with his nice car and bank account but it's almost too much and he seems to be trying too hard. (He doesn't feel he IS enough and uses what he HAS and can DO to impress you.) He talks about all of his friends and family but he doesn't ever seem to get calls from them or spend time with them. (He knows a healthy man has friends and family ties so he wants you to think he does too.) He criticizes everyone whether he knows them or not. (HUGE indication of low self-esteem and self-hatred) He does all the things women want a guy to do: calling, emailing, texting when you think he should, complimenting things about you men don't usually notice. He seems too good to be true. Every former relationship breakup was the woman's fault and he was in some way betrayed by her even though "he didn't do anything wrong." Oh, did I mention that when a man says, "I didn't do anything wrong," he is fully committed to ignoring all responsibility? (Bad, bad sign!)
We don't want a man who has studied what women want and is playing the part to get the woman. We want and deserve a man who is honorable, respectful, honest and fun. This is OUR relationship too and we don't need to settle for less than we deserve nor does any man need to settle for less than he deserves.
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