When your wife or long term partner leaves you, it can feel as if you have suffered bereavement. After all, you are no longer able to revel and enjoy the company of that person, to hear their laughter in the morning, or feel the soft warmth of their skin. Mercifully, a break-up has the cold comfort of providing the couple an opportunity for a reconciliation unlike bereavement, which is the ultimate end to a relationship.
How to get her back is a topic that has been much discussed and debated in our society, and has quickly proven itself to be a fairly contentious one at that. The reason that the how to get her back conundrum remains such a thorny issue for many is due to the fact that there are so many wildly differing opinions and perspectives on how to deal with the issue.
Some argue that ultimately, the question of how to get her back is one that should be solely reserved for the contrived, fantastical and overly optimistic world of Hollywood romantic comedies and sitcoms. These people contest that if a couple are not compatible, then it does not matter how hard they try for the relationship will never bear fruit for either party.
Others take a more balanced and pragmatic viewpoint. To these people, a breakup between a couple is not the kiss of death to the issue of how to get her back, and indeed, in the true spirit of the phoenix, will prove to be the catalyst that will allow the flaws in the relationship to be identified, thrashed out and ultimately resolved. For those of us who fall into the latter category, and who would genuinely like to learn how to get their partner back even when she has left them....read on.
Look for ways to spend quality time with her
Guys, one of the best way of getting back with your ex is to try and rekindle the embers of passion that may still reside between the two of you. However, trying too hard too early in the process will be counter productive and may even cause her to be alienated, resentful and afraid of what is going on. With that in mind then, take up new hobbies that you know that both you and your ex can enjoy, and invite her along. If that's maybe too uncomfortable for you both (spending intimate time together so soon after your breakup) then you can always do the activity with a group of friends. As time goes on, and the comfort level between the two of you increases, then you can step up the activities. Specifically, spend more time with her, doing more personal and intimate activities.
Build rapport and trust with her
One of the quickest ways to boost your chances of securing reconciliation with your estranged partner is to have conversations with her and share inside jokes and your own personal language. This will help to foster a sense of intimacy between the two of you, as well as bonhomie.