Should You End a Relationship?

If you have been in a devoted dating relationship with someone, but are now thinking something is different, don't pass the blame on yourself or on anyone else. These things happen. It's not your fault, nor is it anyone else's.

That is what the dating process is for. You date someone to see if he or she is compatible with you. The beginning stages of a relationship are always very rosy as you view each other through rose-colored glasses, so to speak. You experience a high because this is new and exciting. When those feelings begin to give way to a new emotion, you begin to see the other person through a different set of glasses, a set of glasses that is clear and not rose-colored. This is the point in a relationship where you now need to come face to face with any quirks the other person has and whether or not you can live with it "till death do you part."
Sometimes though, these differences are so great that they are irreconcilable. If these differences are so great, then you need to realize that and end the relationship before you get any deeper and more emotionally involved. This is the kind thing to do for you and for the other person.

Remember, things change, your chemistries can change. This, of course, does not change the fact that you still care for the other person. That is perfectly fine. You can care deeply for someone else, but that does not mean that you are good for each as other as marriage partners.

Because much emotion is involved, you need both dignity and respect when ending a relationship. If you do so gracefully, it will lessen the shock and hurt felt by you and the other person.

Ending a relationship by email or by phone does not show respect nor dignity and is therefore, not to be used. Doing so only shows selfishness and untruth.

To do it properly, you need to do it person. It may be hard to do, but it shows respect on your part and it lets them get the whole message that you are giving including your eye contact and body language. It is important during this important interchange that you do not become overly emotional because that might signal that you do not really want this to end. It provides false hope. You want your eye contact and body language to convey respect but finality as far as the relationship goes.

It is up to you whether you want to continue the relationship as friends. For some, this is not possible and if the other person disagrees, let them be.

After a breakup, give yourself time to heal before jumping into another relationship. Rebound relationships are never good as you are not thinking with a clear head. But do get out and enjoy life. Do new things and learn new things. Enjoy your hobby with renewed vigor.

If you feel that your relationship is dwindling but is not to the point of no return, there are things you can do to get your relationship back on track and back to the level that you once were at or even better.

There are things you will need to do to show your true feelings. But the good news is that there are universal principles you can apply that meets your partner's emotional and psychological needs that will make for an even better relationship.

Article Source:
Ali Larter in Jeans – American Actress

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